Forbidden Food

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Yes, I've stooped to Walmart, so sue me

Far removed now from the horror that was “Crate Games” in the pre-agility seminar I took Layla (and my husband) to a few years ago; Layla is now pretty well-behaved in trial crating areas.  (And so am I).

She has one issue though, a bit of boredom.  While her classmates happily gnaw on their antlers; she will reject even a bully stick, which won’t last an hour with Godzilla-mouth at home, but apparently has no appeal outside the confines of 3 bedrooms and 2 ½ baths (it’s for sale).

There is one chew though that somehow appeals to Miss Picky even in her "little house"; and the darned thing comes from Walmart (PLEASE don’t tell me it will kill her for being less than $20, just nooo). She will go at this knobby, plastic deal, with a hard treat in the middle, until it is absolutely worn out (and becomes a sharp, painful booby trap in the path of human feet).  These things chew up but don’t shed plastic into the dog (I’m looking at you Nylabone).  I continue to hope that the actual treat part isn’t pure poison, since it comes from Wally World.  But she’s survived the joy of many, so far.

I need to order a case of these things from Hartz, since we have a three day trial coming up over Labor Day. 

The moral of this story is that dogs don’t judge on the base plane of cost or purity; theirs is a more ethereal thinking.  One we can’t comprehend, but on which we should reflect.  After all, our little companions will scarf cat poo before we can get out a leave-it.  Can’t fly off our plane more than that.

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